CycleLifeHQ has been engaged by Visit Canberra to develop the Canberra Cycle Guide for visitors, as one of the first implementable actions of the recently released Canberra Cycle Tourism Strategy.
The Guide will be produced in digital and print-ready formats to assist visitors in better understanding our local cycle tourism experiences.
We would like to invite interested stakeholders to a workshop where we will provide further details about the development of the Guide and how you can be involved:
It is intended that workshop participants will leave this session inspired to contribute and collaborate on the development of the Cycle Guide, so that it is a true reflection of a local perspective and draws upon the immense community knowledge and experience of cycling in our region.
Light refreshments will be provided
When: Monday 6 August 6:00pm-7:30pm
Where: Canberra Innovation Network, level 5, 1 Moore Street, City
Please RSVP by email to: