Viewing 28 results
Applications now open for ATE19

Applications are open until Friday 14 September for Australian tourism businesses to participate in the 40th annual Australian Tourism Exchange in Perth from 8 to 12 April 2019.
ACT Event fund applications now open

The ACT Event Fund has been established as a key mechanism for stimulating and fostering a range of positive economic, social and community outcomes for the Canberra region through the festivals and events sector. The…
City Renewal Authority 2018 City Grants now open

The second round of the City Renewal Authority’s 2018 City Grants is open for applications until 28 May 2018 at 3pm. Activities for round two are to take place within the city centre between 1 July…
Nominations now open for 2018 Canberra Region Tourism Awards

Nominations are now open for the 2018 Canberra Region Tourism Awards, as announced at the official launch last week at the Vibe Hotel, Canberra Airport. ACT Chief Minister Andrew Barr MLA spoke about the importance…
CraftACT launches call out for DESIGN Canberra 2018: the shape of things to come

DESIGN Canberra is calling for projects that celebrate and promote Canberra as a living design laboratory, a global city of design. The ACT’s fastest growing festival, DESIGN Canberra 2018 will celebrate the strong geometry present…
ATEC ELITE class of 2018 – Applications open

Applications are now open for ATEC’s Emerging Leaders of Inbound Tourism Excellence (ELITE) program. Now in its fourth intake, ATEC is searching for the next group of individuals who are passionate about the export tourism industry to…
Canberra/Can’tberra Quiz

VisitCanberra launched a digital game style quiz, called ‘Canberra/Can’tberra’ 7 March 2018. It’s a mobile based quiz where users are given a short clue and shown a picture, then asked to choose if they can…
Export Market Development Grant application period ends November 30

Tourism businesses can apply for an Export Market Development Grant (EMDG) to receive up to a 50 per cent reimbursement of eligible international marketing and promotional expenses. The EMDG scheme is a key Australian Government…