Viewing 162 results

Abode Braddon to open July 2019

Abode Group have announced that a new 180-room hotel with restaurant and retail spaces will open in Braddon in July next year. Located in the heart of the city, Abode Braddon will be the seventh…

Article General Industry

New Director at the National Gallery of Australia

Mr Nick Mitzevich has been named the new Director of the National Gallery of Australia. Starting in July, the current Director of the Art Gallery of South Australia will replace retiring Director Gerard Vaughan. Prior…

Article Exhibitions General

Daily flights connecting Canberra and Singapore commence

From 1 May Singapore Airlines began a daily service between Canberra and Singapore, giving Canberrans greater choice and flexibility when travelling internationally. The convenient evening flights will connect Canberrans to over 130 destinations, including close…

Article General International

Wedgetail Pavilion now open at Goolabri

The Wedgetail Pavilion has officially opened at Goolabri, showcasing a unique outdoor function venue. Goolabri is a boutique venue, 10 minutes from Canberra. It hosts seminars, workshops, meetings, network events, training days, birthdays, engagements, Christmas…

Article General

Blundells Cottage closed for restoration work.

Blundells Cottage is closed until September 2018 for landscape and further conservation works. This will include works to interpret the original land uses and conservation of the slab building. This tiny 1860 worker’s dwelling has…

Article General

Dave’s Brewery Tours now operate from Canberra to the Southern Highlands

Dave’s Brewery Tours offer beer and wine tours within Canberra and have now extended these tours to the Southern Highlands of NSW. Celebrating the local region, the bus departs from Canberra or Goulburn.  The Highlander offers…

Article General

Listing your business on Famly

Famly is a new website, app and social media platform that allows families to find and book exciting and unique activities, products and events. Famly is looking for businesses that have quality activities, products or…

Article General Industry

New gourmet picnic service launched

Schmicnics offer fully catered and styled picnic parties for groups of 25 or more, and offer a variety of gourmet packages to suit the occasion.

Article General Industry

Canberra/Can’tberra Quiz

VisitCanberra launched a digital game style quiz, called ‘Canberra/Can’tberra’ 7 March 2018.  It’s a mobile based quiz where users are given a short clue and shown a picture, then asked to choose if they can…

Article Applications Campaigns General

Canberra turns 105

Canberra is turning 105 this year! Join in the celebrations with a program bursting to the seams with live music and entertainment for all.

Article Events General