Viewing 261 results
Add deals to your ATDW profiles

Tourism businesses can now feature deals on your attraction, food and drink, event, tour, hire, and transport listings through the Australian Tourism Data Warehouse (ATDW). When your deal is loaded, it will appear on your ATDW…
Latest ACT visitor data reveals emerging trends among international and domestic visitors

The latest TRA Visitor Survey to the year ending September 2024 reveals international visitation and spend is on the rise, whilst domestic visitation is starting to stabilise following the rapid post-pandemic growth period. Overall, ACT…
A new way to explore Canberra wines

A new way to explore Canberra wines is popping up in the Canberra and Region Visitor’s Centre each weekend. Visit the Canberra Cellar Door and get to taste wines from a changing range of…
You’re invited to ATEC’s China Host Workshop 2025

As we welcome the Lunar New Year, there’s no better time to prepare for the growing opportunities in the China inbound market. In partnership with the National Foundation for Australia-China Relations, the Australian Tourism Export Council (ATEC)…
Enlightened: Event Sector Conference

Events ACT invites you to participate in a FREE half day professional learning opportunity for those in the events sector. Be enlightened as you, learn how to market and promote your event, explore effective management…
VisitCanberra’s international activity

A key mission under the T2030 Strategy is to develop our city as a global destination and grow demand from key markets. In order to do this, VisitCanberra’s international activities include a range of consumer…
Canberra Region Tourism Awards Celebrate Excellence in the Industry

Canberra, ACT – Friday, 29 November 2024 – The best of the best in Tourism from the Canberra Region were honoured tonight at the prestigious Canberra Region Tourism Awards, held at the beautiful Pialligo Estate….
Canberra’s tourism operators attend ATEC Meeting Place

Canberra, ACT – Friday, 29 November 2024 – The best of the best in Tourism from the Canberra Region were honoured tonight at the prestigious In October, VisitCanberra attended ATEC Meeting Place on the Gold…
Promoting Canberra in the Indian market

VisitCanberra’s Executive Branch Manager attended Tourism Australia’s recent delegation to India from 9 – 16 November. The Tourism Australia delegation involved leaders from all State and Territory Tourism Organisations and Convention Bureaus, including CEO of…
VisitCanberra at G’Day Australia in Perth

In October, VisitCanberra attended Tourism Australia’s G’Day Australia event in Perth, connecting with Aussie Specialist travel agents from key international markets. Over the course of the four-day event, VisitCanberra conducted 112 appointments with 253 agents,…