Viewing 261 results
Iconic Hotels opens Abode Kingston

Kingston has a new hotel following the opening last week of Abode Kingston.
Dockless bike share trial begins soon

A six month trial of Airbike’s dockless bike share begins at the end of July. The ACT Government is working with the National Capital Authority, the Australian National University and the Australian owned Airbike company…
Tour operators back from Singapore

ACT Parks and Conservation, Go Boats, Shaw Vineyard and tour operators Canberra Guided Tours and Canberra Secrets were first-time attendees at last week’s Canberra region tourism sales mission in Singapore.
Experience a wild night out at Tidbinbilla

Experience Canberra’s premier wildlife sanctuary like never before with the ultimate family sleepover – WILDfest at Tidbinbilla, thanks to a collaboration between WILDfest and ACT Parks and Conservation. For the first time, visitors to Canberra…
Abode Braddon to open July 2019

Abode Group have announced that a new 180-room hotel with restaurant and retail spaces will open in Braddon in July next year. Located in the heart of the city, Abode Braddon will be the seventh…
ChinaMAX Maximise your share of the China inbound market

ChinaMAX is a one-day event offering ATEC buyers and sellers the opportunity to participate in a China market intelligence Q&A forum led by a panel of China market specialists, followed by a ‘China only’ business…
VisitCanberra Singapore tourism sales mission

VisitCanberra will conduct a sales mission to Singapore on Thursday 5 and Friday 6 July 2018. Following the commencement of Singapore Airlines’ daily flights to Canberra this week, this mission will be an important first…
Promoting Canberra at the Australian Tourism Exchange

VisitCanberra was joined by nine tourism industry partners in Adelaide from 16-19 April to take part in the Australian Tourism Exchange (ATE), Australia’s largest travel and tourism business-to-business event.
Industry called upon to show their support for Tathra Bushfire Recovery

Tathra, located on the far south coast of New South Wales is recovering from a catastrophic bushfire that occurred on Sunday 18th March. In the immediate aftermath, negative and confronting images of the bushfire in…
Listing your business on Famly

Famly is a new website, app and social media platform that allows families to find and book exciting and unique activities, products and events. Famly is looking for businesses that have quality activities, products or…