Viewing 261 results
Australian Tourism Industry Council takes on Star Ratings scheme
The Star Ratings scheme owned and operated by the Australian motoring clubs including NRMA, RACV, RACQ, RAA, RACT and AANT, will be transferred at no cost to the Australian Tourism Industry Council (ATIC) from the…
Seller applications open for Corroboree West
Seller applications are open until Thursday 25 May for the inaugural Corroboree West, to be held on the Gold Coast from 9 – 14 October 2017.
Hong Kong TV Crew fly high in Canberra
Hong Kong TV host, Chris Leung, and his camera crew spent three days experiencing one good thing after another in Canberra this month.
Last call for DESIGN Canberra applications
Do you have a creative project, an original design, an experimental activation, an exhibition or a new design event idea? DESIGN Canberra is seeking applications from those interested in being part of the DESIGN Canberra…
Kickstart your business with Canberra BusinessPoint
Canberra BusinessPoint is holding a Business Fundamentals workshop on Thursday 27 April. This workshop is designed for those thinking about going into business or are in the early stages of business. It will provide a…
Nominations now open for 2017 Canberra Region Tourism Awards
Nominations are now open for the 2017 Canberra Region Tourism Awards, as announced at the official launch yesterday at the Canberra Theatre Centre.
Destination Southern NSW – General Manager
Destination Southern NSW Board is seeking a General Manager who will drive visitor growth, length of stay and visitor expenditure to Southern NSW.
Record domestic overnight visitation to the capital
The latest Tourism in the ACT Snapshot has just been released based on the latest Tourism Research Australia’s National and International Visitor Surveys, for the period ending December 2016. The data shows Canberra welcomed 4.71…
Registrations open for ATEC’s Discover the New B2B workshop
Registrations are now open for the Australian Tourism Export Council (ATEC)’s Discover the New B2B workshop.
DESIGN Canberra festival call out
DESIGN Canberra is calling for projects that celebrate and promote Canberra as a living design laboratory.