Viewing 120 results
Training travel agents at Corroboree Asia 2018

More than 300 travel agents from Asia were trained in the many reasons why Lonely Planet named Canberra the 3rd best city in the world to visit in 2018.
Canberra involved in Tourism Australia’s new marketing campaign

VisitCanberra is supporting the new UnDiscover Australia Tourism Australia marketing push in South and South East Asia.
VisitCanberra builds relationships with agents in India

VisitCanberra representatives met with 87 travel companies at the recent India Travel Mission (ITM) hosted by Tourism Australia.
Learn how to immerse your business in the China market

In September Tourism Tribe’s training calendar is focused on the China market and provides businesses with a learning program online.
Qatar Airways to launch Qsuite on Canberra and Sydney route

Qatar Airways announced that its award-winning Business Class experience, Qsuite, will be available on flights to and from Canberra, its newest Australian destination, via Sydney, from 1 July 2018.
ATE China Payments Forum content available

The content from the China Payments Forum held in partnership between ATEC and Tourism Australia at ATE has now been uploaded on the Tourism Australia website and is available for all to view. Click here to view…
ChinaMAX Maximise your share of the China inbound market

ChinaMAX is a one-day event offering ATEC buyers and sellers the opportunity to participate in a China market intelligence Q&A forum led by a panel of China market specialists, followed by a ‘China only’ business…
Singapore Sales Mission prospectus released

VisitCanberra will conduct a sales mission to Singapore on Thursday 5 and Friday 6 July 2018. Following the commencement of Singapore Airlines’ daily flights to Canberra, this mission will be an important engagement in the…
Daily flights connecting Canberra and Singapore commence

From 1 May Singapore Airlines began a daily service between Canberra and Singapore, giving Canberrans greater choice and flexibility when travelling internationally. The convenient evening flights will connect Canberrans to over 130 destinations, including close…
VisitCanberra Singapore tourism sales mission

VisitCanberra will conduct a sales mission to Singapore on Thursday 5 and Friday 6 July 2018. Following the commencement of Singapore Airlines’ daily flights to Canberra this week, this mission will be an important first…