Viewing 34 results

Latest ACT visitor data reveals emerging trends among international and domestic visitors

The latest TRA Visitor Survey to the year ending September 2024 reveals international visitation and spend is on the rise, whilst domestic visitation is starting to stabilise following the rapid post-pandemic growth period. Overall, ACT…

Article General Industry International Research

Tourism Industry Support Program Research

The University of Southern Queensland are currently undertaking research to examine the factors that impact Australian tourism SMEs (small-medium enterprises) decision to engage with Government Support Programs, for example, grants, subsidies, business advice, and seminars….

Article Industry Research

AusTrade in person industry consultations in Canberra for THRIVE 2030

AusTrade want to hear from Industry regarding THRIVE 2030 and the Hon Martin Ferguson AM, former Tourism Minister, will be travelling around Australia to hear from businesses, industry peak bodies and associations. Industry consultations for…

Article Industry Research

Last chance to have your say on noise reforms for entertainment precincts

The ACT Government wants to hear from you about reforms for noise settings and the management of noise complaints in the City Centre and Gungahlin entertainment precincts. The outcomes of this consultation will help inform…

Article Industry Research

Latest visitation figures released

In the year ending September 2023, the ACT welcomed 5.68 million visitors, the fourth highest number of visitors in a twelve-month period. During this period, visitor expenditure in Canberra was $3.66 billion, making this the…

Article Industry Research

Bushfire Survey

You may have seen the ACT Government survey that was sent out this week, in regards to Canberra businesses affected by the impact of bushfires, smoke and the hail event.

Article Research

Record tourists bring boost to economy

A surge led by Australians visiting Canberra for a holiday has contributed to overnight visitors breaking the 3 million mark for the first time ever along with record expenditure contribution to the ACT economy from…

Article Research

Floriade breaks attendance record

Floriade has strengthened its position as Australia’s biggest celebration of spring with this year’s event attracting the largest number of attendees in its 32-year history.

Article Events Research

Questacon’s record visitation numbers

Canberra’s Questacon – The Science and Technology Centre has smashed its visitation records in 2018-19, with more than 514,000 people visiting the popular attraction, the biggest annual intake in its 30-year history.

Article Events Research

Tourism 2030 Consultation Webinar

As part of the consultation process for the development of the next long-term tourism strategy (Tourism 2030), Austrade want to hear from a range of stakeholders involved in the tourism industry across Australia. The webinar…

Article Research