Viewing 34 results

Record visitor growth drives tourism and hospitality jobs

The ACT has seen strong growth in the number of overnight visitors coming to the capital for the year ending June 2019. These visitors, combined with those visiting Canberra for day trips, made the year…

Article Research

Enlighten breaks attendance records

This year’s Enlighten Festival broke records in both attendance and economic impact.

Article Research

New data about significance of cultural tourism

Cultural Attractions of Australia this week released a document about the significance of cultural tourism.

Article Research

Tourism jobs and economic contribution at record level

The tourism industry has generated more than a quarter of all new jobs created in the ACT with the nation’s capital leading Australia in terms of tourism job increases and its economic contribution.

Article Research

Tourism State of the Nation report available

Copies of the Roy Morgan State of the Nation Tourism presentation held last week at the Australian War Memorial are now available.

Article International Research

Join us for the State of the Nation – Tourism Report

We would be delighted if you could join us for the: State of the Nation – Tourism Report Presented by Roy Morgan Research

Article Events Research

Snapshot of the Canberra Framework now available

The Canberra Framework: A Tourism Partnership Framework for the Destination Southern NSW Region and the ACT, has been completed and a snapshot of this document may be viewed here.

Article Industry Research

Industry training and development survey

VisitCanberra is considering conducting educational training for the Canberra and region tourism industry. In order to deliver relevant and informative training, we would like feedback on the topics you would be most interested in.

Article General Industry Research

Strong visitation and spend for the ACT in 2018

The latest Tourism in the ACT Snapshot has just been released based on the latest Tourism Research Australia (TRA) National and International Visitor Surveys for the year ending December 2018.

Article Research

Best ever Canberra visitation record set

During the year that publisher Lonely Planet named Canberra the third best city in the world to visit the capital recorded record numbers of both Australian and international visitors.

Article International Research