Viewing 34 results
Record overnight expenditure for the ACT

The latest Tourism in the ACT Snapshot has just been released based on the latest Tourism Research Australia’s National and International Visitor Surveys, for the year ending March 2017. The data shows Canberra welcomed 4.58…
Canberra Airport Facts & Figures
The Canberra Airport has released a “Facts & Figures” information sheet outlining key statistics relating to its operations for the 12 months to 31 December 2016.
Record domestic overnight visitation to the capital
The latest Tourism in the ACT Snapshot has just been released based on the latest Tourism Research Australia’s National and International Visitor Surveys, for the period ending December 2016. The data shows Canberra welcomed 4.71…
Updated international traveller snapshots
Tourism Australia has updated its international traveller snapshots with the latest 2016 data from the Consumer Demand Project and TripAdvisor.