Viewing 261 results

VisitCanberra Action Plan 2030

The ACT Government has released the VisitCanberra Action Plan 2030, which outlines the actions to support implementation of T2030: ACT Tourism Strategy 2023-2030. Each year the ACT Government will release a detailed action plan that…

Article General Industry International Partnerships

VisitCanberra’s Media Hot List Launches

Have a new product or experience that you’d like considered for destination PR activities? Are there changes happening to your tourism product that you think media would be interested in? Canberra’s tourism operators and business…

Article Industry

Getaway’s Canberra Segments 

Over four days in March, VisitCanberra hosted Getaway, under the helm of the inimitable Catriona Rowntree. Getaway is Australia’s longest-running travel and lifestyle television program, airing Saturdays at 5.30pm on Channel 9. Two segments have…

Article General Industry Media

Success at the Australian Tourism Exchange 2022

VisitCanberra, along with four Canberra tourism businesses and the Canberra Airport Group, attended the Australian Tourism Exchange (ATE) at the Sydney International Convention Centre late last month. Hosted by Tourism Australia, ATE is Australia’s largest…

Article Events General Industry International

Tourism Australia Come & Say G’Day Media Program

As part of Tourism Australia’s ATE22 Come & Say G’Day Media Program, VisitCanberra had the opportunity to showcase Canberra’s diversity of experiences to travel and lifestyle media from Singapore, India, Indonesia and the UK over…

Article General Industry International Partnerships

Better Regulation Report released

The Better Regulation Taskforce has published the Better Regulation Report. The Report maps out an agenda to make it easier to start, run and grow a business in the ACT. Over the next two years,…

Article General Industry Support

ATEC’s “Host” program re-launched online

ATEC, together with Tourism Australia, are re-launching the popular ‘Host’ market specialist training series.  The next program will be India Host and Canberra operators are being offered 10% off the registration fee by using the…

Article Industry International Workshops

Canberra Region Tourism Conference

Almost 200 industry representatives attended the Canberra Region Tourism Conference on 6 June at the Hyatt Hotel, hosted by VisitCanberra. The conference was themed around “connecting and looking ahead” and saw a number of presentations…

Article Events Industry Workshops

CBR Switched On: ACT’s Economic Development Priorities

The ACT Government has released its priorities for the economic development of the ACT for the coming years to make Canberra an even better place to live, work, visit, study, do business and invest in….

Article General Industry Media Partnerships Support

THRIVE 2030 strategy launches

On 25 March, the Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment, Dan Tehan, launched THRIVE 2030, Australia’s new long-term national strategy to grow the visitor economy. THRIVE 2030 sets an ambitious yet achievable target to regain…

Article General Industry Partnerships Support